
A Little Update… What’s going on in the Life of Ana right now?

I’ve been home for more than six months now and I don’t feel how I expected to feel. When I first went to Asia, all I could think about was going home and how great it was going to feel being with everybody and doing everything I used to do. And even a few days … Read more

A Little Difference… Yangon is Unlike Anything I’ve Seen Before!

I haven’t been to many places yet, well, not like my aunt. But, out of all the places I’ve visited in Southeast Asia so far, Burma is nothing like any of them! I mean, the main similarities are the people walking around everywhere and you can eat really yummy street-food, but a lot of things … Read more

A Little Holiday… Finding Christmas Fun in Chiang Mai

This recent Christmas I ran a 10K run in the Chiang Mai Christmas Marathon, made gingerbread houses and hung out with my aunts friends for bowling on Christmas Eve (and they are kind of my friends too now, I guess!). I am glad we did all these things because I’m usually waiting for presents and wondering … Read more

A Little Animal… A Tale of Three Elephants (a Baby, a Bull and a Mom)

There are so many wonderful things we did while we traveled in Laos, and my favorite thing was seeing a two month old elephant with his mom, and I got to ride an elephant! Personally, I think it is wrong to keep such a big animals in captivity when they should be running around free and holding … Read more

A Little Thought… On the People I’ve Seen

The only thing that I have to say right now is wow. The Asian women who were in Korea, Bangkok and Chiang Mai are so pretty, especially the flight attendants. Their clothes looked like business women clothes and all of them had on makeup–I really like the way the eyeliner looks on their faces, it’s … Read more